Monday 22 June 2009

Ben Lewis - Gursky Documentary and others

Directed by Ben Lewis (2002)

Subsequent to this film, a Gursky print was bought for US$3.34 million (see

Last year, Ben made a film about how the contemporary art bubble has blown up and burst over the last few years. That film isn't on the web (although it was on BBC4/iPlayer for a while, if anyone saw it), but there's a little thing he did in November 2008 in which he discusses it.

He mentions a story published in the Independent about a stockpile of about 200 Damien Hirsts at the White Cube, worth about £100million, which he hadn't (at that time) sold. There was a document that showed this list of work, and it was leaked to the media. In fact, during the making of the film, Ben got hold of the document and leaked it to the media himself.

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